St. Patrick’s Day Stop Motion

2017-2018, Student Work


This is a video compilation of my Grade One Class’s St. Patrick Day stop motion videos.  Each student was asked to write a story about how Leprechauns hide their pot of gold.  They wrote a rough draft, edited it, wrote a final draft, and then animated it.


I really like giving the student’s writing power.  If they know they are writing a something for a purpose (like a script for a video) they are much more motivated to work.  We have been incoperating different types of animation into our learning all year and this seemed like a great way to let the students get creative.


If you are teacher or parent that wants to give this a try I have attached the templates below.  To make an animation you need to colour/cut-out the background and clipart puppets.  You can then use the ‘Stop Motion’ app on your image/iphone to animate your puppets.

Template: Click Here