Mr. Harris' Grade 1 Classroom

Where Fun & Learning Happen

I enjoy being a part of such a positive learning community; I coach the school’s 7/8 badminton and soccer team.  I also organize a k-1 comic book club and an art club. I love collaborating with the amazing and talented staff. I focus on creating a classroom where students feel comfortable and confident. I plan my lessons based on student’s individual learning needs and interests.

This is what I love to do.

My Classroom

Classroom Management

I work to create a culture where students feel safe, motivated, and challenged. Positive reinforcement and competition play a significant role in my classroom routines.


Visual art is a driving force in my room. We are constantly exploring new forms and mediums within art class and cross-circularly.

Kinesthetic Learning

I make it a priority to turn activities that would traditionally be done at a desk into opportunities to move and learn through tactile experiences.


The Smartboard and Ipads are a daily must have. Technology is used to make activities engaging, differentiated, and more effective.<br />

Teaching With



My lessons are taught to the specific abilities and learning styles of each student.


It’s gotta be fun. I make my lessons exciting and targeted to the students specific interests.


Formative assessment drives my instruction. Each lesson is planned based on what was observed the previous day.

Passion Discovery

It is never too early to start cultivating a lifelong passion. Students are encouraged to explore their talents and interests.

We have a few tips for you.

The Blog

Deep Learning With LEDs

At the beginning of the school year I was lucky enough to attend the New York Maker Fair with a cohort of fellow teachers.  We were given the opportunity ...

Problem Solving : LED Cards In The Classroom

Overview: My grade one class just finished creating LED Christmas Cards. They followed a tutorial that taught them how to make a basic circuit and switch inside of a ...